Below is a selection of new e-Books added to the collection this week:
- A Philosophy of Cinematic Art – Discusses the status of cinema as an art form. Check Availability
- American Science Fiction Film and Television – Presents a critical history of late 20th Century SF together with an analysis of the cultural and thematic concerns of this popular genre. Check Availability
- Dental Management of Sleep Disorders – Focuses on the dentist’s role in treating patients with sleep problems. Check Availability
- Engaging Children with Print : Building Early Literacy Skills Through Quality Read-Alouds – Presents research-based techniques for using reading aloud to intentionally and systematically build children’s knowledge of print. Check Availability
- Essential Mathematics and Statistics for Forensic Science – A student-friendly intr
oduction to the wide range of mathematical and statistical tools needed by the forensic scientist. Check Availability
- Healthcare Research : A Handbook for Students and Practitioners – An invaluable guide for students and practitioners who need to acquire a wide range of relevant skills. Check Availability
- Modern Biotechnology : Connecting Innovations in Microbiology and Biochemistry to Engineering fundamentals – Introduces students in science, engineering, or technology to the basics of genetic engineering, recombinant organisms, wild-type fermentations, metabolic engineering and microorganisms for the production of small molecule bioproducts. Check Availability
- Removable Partial Dentures : A Clinician’s Guide – A highly practical step-by-step guide to the diagnosis, treatment planning, and manufacture of removable partial prostheses. Check Availability
- Rethinking Learning Disabilities : Understanding Children Who Struggle in School – Offers an alternative to the prevailing view of learning disability as a problem contained within the child. Check Availability
- Television Studies : The Basics – A lively introduction to the study of a powerful medium. Check Availability
- Vegetable Seed Production -Providing broad expert coverage of the horticultural production of vegetables grown from seed. Check Availability
View more new eBooks here select the week then the ‘E-Resources (web sites, electronics books)’ link.
More information on e-Books is here.