Beginning iPhone games development – With this book, you’re going to roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty with some hardcore coding. Check Availability
- Managing wine quality – A review of important developments. Check Availability
- Graphic design school – The principles and practices of graphic design. Check Availability
- Seeley’s essentials of anatomy and physiology – Written to allow instructo
rs the ability to accomplish one overall goal: to teach the basics of A&P while fostering the skill of problem solving. Check Availability
- The butterflies of Australia – Offers a unique guide to help identify the nearly 400 species to which our continent plays host. Check Availability
- Animal law in Australia and New Zealand – Written for university law students undertaking animal law, animal welfare law or animal rights courses. Check Availability
- Into the woods – The battle for Tasmania’s forests. Check Availability
- Disability rights and awareness – Provides an overview of the major disability groups and their core activity restrictions. Check Availability
- Gaming in libraries – Gives you the practical tools you need to organize, implement, and market successful gaming events for users of all ages. Check Availability
The complete list of new titles can be accessed here