The Library would like to welcome all new students to CSU, and let you know we are available to help you get off to a great start in session 1. To help you get organised, we’ve put a few tips together:
Apply for your CSU Card
When Student Central process your CSU card this generates your library record. Having a Library record allows you to borrow resources from the library, whether you’re studying online and placing requests to have items posted to you, or an on-campus student. So if you haven’t already applied for your card, do it now so you can take advantage of the benefits it entitles you to, including:
- Borrow from the library’s extensive collection of resources.
- Online students can take advantage of the FREE postal service.
- Place digitisation requests for chapters of books.
- Borrow books from other university libraries near you through the ULANZ reciprocal borrowing scheme.
- Access the 24 hour spaces in the Learning Commons.
- Access the printing facilities on campus.
Find your textbooks
It’s time to start thinking about textbooks! You’ll find your prescribed and recommended textbooks in your subject outline (listed in Interact2), and you have several different options available to purchase these texts:
- The Co-op Bookshop is one supplier of textbooks for CSU. From their website, click on ‘Textbooks’ icon to search through the list of universities. Click on the current semester and a list of subject codes will appear. Chose your subject to see a list of your prescribed texts and also those that are recommended.
- If you would like to compare the prices of books, you can use the price comparison engine Booko to find the best price for your textbooks.
- Student VIP, The Campus Bookstore, Jekkle and Zookal sell second hand text books, and have rental options.
- Try posting a ‘textbook needed’ message to your subject forum
- Borrow a copy from the Library!
Get ahead with your course readings
Your course readings will be listed, and hopefully linked, in your subject outline or your subject Interact2 site. Look out for a new reading list in your Interact2 menu – it might be called Reading List, Subject Readings, or something similar, and will list the readings for your subject together in the one place. If the readings in your Interact2 site are not linked, or if the link is broken follow the tips in this short video on YouTube to help locate your readings.
Register for an Online Library Workshop
The Library’s Online Library Workshops are always hugely popular, so if you’d like to join one of these events it’s time to register now. Workshops include:
- Introduction to Library Services
- Finding Online Journal Articles
- Using eBooks
- Using Library Databases
- Advanced Library Databases
- EndNote for PC and Mac
Come see us in the Sydney CBD
Library workshops will be run as part of a CSU Outreach event in the Sydney CBD on February 27th. See more details and register your interest online using the Outreach Calendar.
Remember to please contact us at the Library if you need any assistance with Library resources, registering for workshops, or finding your readings – we’re here to help, and there is so much we can help you with!