Today is World MS Day, which raises awareness for multiple sclerosis, a chronic neurological disorder that affects over 25 000 people within Australia and internationally. Twice as many women then men are diagnosed with it, and there is currently no cure. This year’s theme is ‘visibility’, which was chosen to draw attention to the invisible symptoms of multiple sclerosis, which often impact quality of life and raise awareness of MS in general. To learn more and see how you can become involved in spreading awareness about the disorder, go to the World MS Day website and the MS Australia website to take a look at the events and resources available.
CSU Library has multiple educational resources about multiple sclerosis. Some you can access online include:
- ‘Multiple Sclerosis‘ a short film in which people living with the disorder discuss it
- Facing the Cognitive Challenges of Multiple Sclerosis by Jeffrey Gingold, an autobiographical book about the author’s life with and treatment of MS
- Cognition and Behavior in Multiple Sclerosis edited by John De Luca and Brian M Sandroff, which contains current research on how MS affects cognition within affected people’s life
- The Multiple Sclerosis Journal, a peer-reviewed journal focused on the disorder
- Health Issues in Women with Multiple Sclerosis edited by Maria K. Houtchens and Dessa A Sadovnick, that looks at the issues faced by women affected by MS