The first assessments of Session 3 are creeping up, and while your research skills are important, we wanted to show the other “R” some love as well! Referencing plays a critical role in helping you show the origin and credibility of your arguments and conclusions, and prevents accidental plagiarism by explicitly citing the creator of a work or concept.
To help you get the hang of referencing at Charles Sturt, check out the resources on offer from the Academic Skills Advisers. They’re the experts in all things APA 7th, and look after things like the Academic Referencing Tool and the APA (7th ed.) Referencing summary.
They also run workshops and provide recordings for you to watch through the Student Portal. To find out about upcoming referencing workshops, tick the “Referencing” box in the list of options on the workshops and events page, then sign up for the one that best suits you!
Happy referencing!