The Library, in partnership with the Office of Graduate Research, is proud to launch the Graduate Research Enhancement and Academic Training (GREAT) modules, an innovative online resource designed to support our Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students throughout their research journey.
The GREAT modules offer a flexible, self-paced learning environment. Students can access comprehensive research training materials anytime during their candidature. What makes GREAT unique is its adaptable approach—students can select modules based on their current research needs and interests rather than following a rigid curriculum. The modules are:
Module 1: Navigating your research journey: Understand milestones, policies, and challenges throughout your HDR candidature.
Module 2: Being a responsible researcher: Learn research ethics, academic integrity, intellectual property, and practical steps for preparing ethics applications.
Module 3: Working with your supervisor: Build effective relationships, set realistic expectations, and navigate feedback and challenges.
Module 4: Reviewing the literature: Master strategies for finding, evaluating, and critically appraising literature for your review.
Module 5: Writing your thesis: Get step-by-step guidance on thesis structure, drafting chapters, and preparing for submission.
Module 6: Communicating your research: Explore publishing options, understand copyright, and share your findings with wider audiences.
Module 7: Planning your career: Identify career pathways, network with professionals, and prepare compelling resumes and interview strategies.
Module 8: Wellbeing and balanced researcher: Develop resilience, balance commitments, and promote personal and professional wellbeing throughout your journey.

Available through Brightspace, these modules complement our existing research support services, providing HDR students with additional resources at their fingertips. All HDR candidates are automatically enrolled, ensuring seamless access to this valuable resource from day one of their research journey.
The modules represent our commitment to delivering contemporary, accessible, and relevant research training. By allowing students to work at their own pace and choose content that aligns with their immediate needs, the GREAT modules empower researchers to take control of their learning journey.
Based on student feedback, we have developed accessible online training consisting of eight self-paced modules. These modules were co-designed with HDR (Higher Degree Research) candidates, who provided input and recommendations throughout development. The result is a suite of tailored support resources that target key stages of the HDR research journey.
We’re excited to see how this resource will enhance the research experience of our HDR community at Charles Sturt University.
Contact your Faculty Librarian or email us at if you want to learn more.