It’s Open Education Week from 3 to 7 March 2025!
Open Educational Resources (OER) are free teaching, learning, and research materials that reside in the public domain. They are available for you to share, remix, reuse, and adapt.
For academics, this means the ability to tailor content for diverse student audiences, reduce costs for learners, and contribute to the broader educational community by making knowledge more accessible. For students, this means they can access free, high quality, contextualised learning material. It’s win/win!
Embracing OER can improve student outcomes, foster greater collaboration, and enhance your teaching practice with innovative, customisable materials.

If you would like to know more about OER any time, look at the library’s OER Guide. We also have a whole section dedicated to finding OER.
Also, did you know that Charles Sturt has published a number of OER, including its first open textbook? You can find Group work anthology in Primo and various open textbook repositories.
Explore, investigate, and use OER to improve student engagement and retention. Want to know more? Ask the library!