Changes are afoot in Dubbo, and unfortunately the campus’ library services will be affected. But have no fear, we’ve got all the info Dubbo users need right here to keep you up to speed, and provide the best access to library resources available during the period.
What’s happening?
Refurbishments are taking place over the next 3 months. This means CSU library users will be unable to access the Dubbo collection.
How to borrow and request items
For the next four weeks at least, we’ll be posting out items to Dubbo staff and students, as is the current process with our Distance Students. If you’re unsure how to go about requesting items, just watch this video! You’ll still need to select “Dubbo Campus” as your pick-up location, but we’ll contact you to find out where you want us to send your items.
After 4 weeks, we could go back to a normal campus pick-up, but this is still to be determined. Whatever happens, we’ll let you know when the time comes if you need to collect your items, or if we’re going to keep sending them out.
How to return your loans
We ask that during this period, all items be returned in the post to one of the other CSU Campus Libraries. If your books are mailed to you, you should receive a reply paid label so that you can return the item in the post at no cost to yourself. If you borrowed the item in person, and now just need to send it back to us, get in touch, and we’ll happily send you a label electronically which you can print out and attach to your post parcel.
Additionally, all current loans will be extended, so you shouldn’t get any overdue fines if there are delays processing returns or if there are any hiccups when you’re trying to get your items back to us!