Below is a selection of new eBooks added to the collection this week:
- A practical guide to stage lighting – Construct and Implement Your Own Ligh
ting Designs with the most trusted guide to stage lighting! Check Availability
- Alice in wonderland and philosophy : curiouser and curiouser – Probes the deeper underlying meaning in the Alice books, and reveals a world rich with philosophical life lessons. Check Availability
- Changing stations : the story of Australian commercial radio – The first full-scale, national history of commercial radio in Australia. Check Availability
- Defiant birth : women who resist medical eugenics – Tells the personal stories of women who have resisted medical eugenics – women who were told they shouldn’t h
ave babies because of perceived disability in themselves or because of some imperfection in the child. Check Availability
- Digital photography – Takes a refreshingly practical, focused approach to cover exactly what you need to know to develop a creative, competent style and a seamless photography workflow. Check Availability
- Quality caring in nursing : applying theory to clinical practice, education, and leadership – An invaluable resource to nursing students, nursing scholars, clinical nurses, nurse educators, nurse researchers, and nurse leaders. Check Availability
- Spiritual resources in family therapy – Illustrates ways to tap spiritual resources for coping, healing, and resilience. Check Availability
- The vulnerable country : Australia and the global economy – Begins with historical analysis of the interaction between politics and economics, covers the credit crunch of 2007 and culminates with the current global financial crisis. Check Availability
- Video production handbook – Suitable for students and beginning videographers, shows the full production process, from inception of idea to final distribution. Check Availability
Click on Check Availability to access these titles.
The full list of new eBooks can be accessessed here and more information on eBooks is here.