Introducing RDA : a guide to the basics – The new cataloguing standard that will replace the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR). Check Availability
- The quants – How a small band of math wizards conquered Wall Street and nearly destroyed it. Check Availability
- Women and the law in Australia – Povides practical advice on dealing with issues in the practice of law that are of specific importance to women. Check Availability
- Criminal behavior : a psychological approach – Approaches the understan
ding of delinquent and criminal behavior from a psychological perspective. Check Availability
- “You’re going to love this kid!” – Teaching students with autism in the inclusive classroom. Check Availability
- Emu dreaming – An introduction to Australian Aboriginal astronomy. Check Availability
- Clinical procedures manual for remote and rural practice : Australia and New Zealand – Supporting clinical practice in the bush. Check Availability
- Animal science biology & technology – Will take readers from the basics of
physiology through production and on to evaluation. Check Availability
- How to write art history – Enables students to get the most from their art history course. Check Availability
- Steven Spielberg’s America – Explains the complex relationship between film and politics through the prism of an iconic filmmaker. Check Availability
The complete list of new titles can be accessed here