- The Googlization of everything : (and why we should worry) – Examines the w
ays we have used and embraced Google. Check Availability
- Cyber law in Australia – A practical guide to cyber law in Australia. Check Availability
- My lie : a true story of false memory – A wrenchingly honest, unexpectedly witty, and profoundly human story. Check Availability
- Serial offenders : theory and practice – Explores the act of criminal profiling. Check Availability
- Modern hydrology and sustainable water development – Provide sufficient breadth and depth of understanding in each sub-section of hydrology. Check Avail
- Nurses on the front line : when disaster strikes, 1878-2010 – Examines how nurses have responded to natural and man-made disasters. Check Availability
- The naked lady who stood on her head – A psychiatrist’s stories of his most bizarre cases. Check Availability
- Endodontology – Presents a comprehensive overview of the clinical practice of endodontology. Check Availability
- Motivating literacy learners in today’s world – Provides insights into a broad spectrum of children’s literacy learning. Check Availability
- On rare birds – Recounts the sad histories of several extinct bird species. Check Avail
- Communication in business : strategies and skills – A comprehensive how-to guide that will help readers understand communication principles and apply them to the business environment. Check Availability
The complete list of New Titles is here