Studying or doing research in chemistry?

A little known database that may be able to help with your studies or research in chemistry at CSU is SciFinder®

SciFinder® provides researchers access to the world’s largest and most reliable collection of chemistry and related science information.

It includes both Chemical Abstracts and Medline databases,as well as information from patents authorities around the world to give access to:

Substance detail for 
C43 H62 N10 O12 

 • substance information including chemical structures, chemical names, CAS Registry Numbers®, properties, commercial availability and regulatory information.

 •chemical reactions – dependable and current chemical reaction information; including reaction schemes, experimental procedures, conditions, yields, solvents, catalysts as well as commercial availability of substances with direct links to leading producer and supplier sites.

 •references – for chemistry and related science information found in journals, patents, dissertations and more. SciFinder is the only source that brings you information from early discovery through clinical trials with the combined coverage of CAplusSM and MEDLINE®.

You must register before you can access SciFinder.
For instructions on how to register follow the link  and to register, click here.
You can also get access to SciFinder from our Database Page:

Information on how to use SciFinder Support and Training is available from the publishers
or contact the library for more help with your search strategies.