Get Ready for Session 3

Session 3 starts Monday! So here are some tips from the Library to help you be prepared.

Student ID Card
If you haven’t already apply for your student card this will enable you to borrow books and resources from our campus libraries.

Most subjects have a combination of prescribed and recommended textbooks which will be listed on your subject outline.

Your subject outline may also list eReserve readings. These can include scanned articles or book chapters available online through Primo Search. To locate your readings simply search your subject code in Primo.

Other online readings
Other readings may be available through the journal databases and eBooks, instead of eReserve. Follow the links your lecturer has provided, or find them in Primo Search, to download the pdf versions.

Before session starts is a great time to get all your readings together. You can download and save them to your computer, print them out, or even attach them to citations in your Endnote library.

For more information on searching eReserve watch our video tutorial.

Best of luck!