Stay Smart Online!

Do you know what personal details are on the internet about you?
Is your online content only available to the people you want to see it?
Wondering how secure your computer, mobile devices, network connections, and passwords are?
Would you like to know more about how to stay safe and secure on the internet?  has got you covered. 

Celebrate Stay Smart Online Week and keep yourself secure by following these simple steps to online safety:

  • Limit what you share
  • Create strong passwords
  • Regularly update your software
  • Backup important information
  • Avoid online scams

  • It is also important for businesses to protect themselves from cyber criminals. CSU Division of Information Technology is a supporter of the Stay Smart Online campaign, check out the Information Security resources to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Charles Sturt University’s information assets.

    You can also sign up to the alert service at Stay Smart Online or follow Stay Smart Online on Facebook for advice on how to protect yourself online as well as up-to-date information on the latest online threats and how to respond.