Are you unsure how to use databases or search effectively for online journal articles? Throughout February and March, CSU Library is running free Online Learning Workshops dedicated to helping you develop and boost your research skills. You’ll learn from librarians during each interactive hour-long session as well as being able to ask any questions you have. Choose from one or more:
- Using Library Databases – learn the benefits of using databases, as well as how to search them using Boolean operators and best practice search techniques. You’ll see how to set up folders for your search results and create alerts, as well as export your result’s citations to EndNote.
- Advanced Library Databases – learn more about advanced features of databases, proximity searching, creating alerts. using citations to find citing articles.
- Finding Online Journal Articles – learn about the importance of using journal articles for assessments and how to find high quality ones, how to break down a journal citation and the meaning behind the term ‘peer reviewed’.
More session times as well as other workshops on EndNote, eBooks and general library services are available.
For further resources on using databases and journals, check out our Database help and Primo Search help guides as well as our multiple training videos on using different databases and finding journals.