At the Charles Sturt University Library, we take your potential and ambition for delivering quality health services and support, and make these a reality by providing you with interactive multimedia and video resources to help you succeed in your study!
Some of our best specialized video and multimedia resources for anatomy, physiology and diagnosis include:
- Visible Body – A group of 5 online programs covering anatomy, physiology, muscles, the skeleton, and the circulatory system through interactive 3D models, animations, images, and quizzes.
- Anatomy.TV – This interactive resource provides a multimedia overview of human anatomy. It features 3 dimensional animations that illustrate function, bio-mechanics, and surgical procedures. These animations and models include coverage of more than 6500 structures, and show different layers of anatomical regions, rotate those regions 360 degrees, and provide textual information about each structure. The models are supplemented by clinical videos, pathology slides, and MRI scans, quizzes and a study guide.
- Amirsys Imaging Reference Center – A radiology resource which includes nearly 72,000 x-ray, CT, MR, and ultrasound illustrations and images, plus more than 40,000 clinical diagnoses
- ICE Video Library – A database of streaming videos for occupational therapists and physiotherapists. The video’s are filmed with patients and clinicians in real-life treatment settings including acute care, skilled nursing, outpatient, home health, and ICU.
- Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination – A collection of online videos on head-to-toe and body-system physical examinations, with careful attention to clinical accuracy and a large range of patient types profiled in the series.
For more great info, please check out our Allied health and Pharmacy library guides, which have been created for you by Charles Sturt University Librarians with your specific course in mind. If you need any help accessing these Journal Databases, or would like to know more about other resources on offer, please contact us at the Library.