Celebrating National Reconciliation Week

First Nations voices at Charles Sturt Library

Colourful banner for National Reconciliation Week 2024

This National Reconciliation Week (NRW) Charles Sturt Library is honoured to showcase First Nations cultures and histories in our collections and displays. From 27 May to 3 June join us in commemorating this significant week through various initiatives aimed at promoting reconciliation.

Discover our book displays

Step into any of our libraries during NRW to explore our book displays showcasing diverse titles written by or with First Nations peoples. From fiction to non-fiction, poetry to academic works, these displays offer insights into First Nations perspectives on history, culture, and contemporary issues.

Explore the First Nations Knowledges Collection

Dive deeper into First Nations knowledges and perspectives by exploring our First Nations Knowledges Collection. Curated with contributions from First Nations scholars, thinkers, and storytellers, this collection offers invaluable insights into First Nations cultures and worldviews.

Check out our new First Nations website

The resources and collections featured on our First Nations website will be helpful to any student or researcher wanting to access quality information on First Nations topics. These pages will also help First Nations students navigate our range of support services and learning resources.

Engage and learn

NRW is also a time for dialogue and reflection. Check out your local area for events, discussions, and activities organized in collaboration with First Nations communities. Every interaction contributes to our collective journey towards reconciliation.

Now more than ever, the work continues. In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism.

Reconciliation Australia, 2024

Our commitment

At Charles Sturt Library reconciliation is an ongoing commitment. We strive to promote First Nations voices, perspectives, and knowledges within our libraries and beyond. Join us in embracing these voices, promoting reconciliation, and fostering a brighter, more inclusive future for all Australians.