Bathurst Learning Commons Open for business

August is upon us, so let’s look back on the year so far, and see how many of those ‘university experiences’ you’ve had so far…

Stayed up ALL night to finish an assessment?

Regretted something that you’ve done the night before at the Uni Bar?

Refused to go to the Library because you’re sick of climbing the fire stairs?

OK, how bout something that you haven’t done…? Like maybe being one of the first people into the newly renovated Learning Commons!

That’s right, Wednesday 3rd of August marks the date when the new 24 hour zone of the Learning Commons will be opened up. The hoarding has been brought down, the builders shipped out, it’s time for you to come back in.

So what’s the big deal? Well for a start there are more computers, more group study spaces, and more room in general. There is also a kitchenette for all your late night Masterchef inspired antics.

Student Central and the Cashier are still located on the Ground Floor, while there are 4 lecture rooms and computer labs on Level 1. All the Library’s books, journals, dvds and more are located on Level 3 – and this is also where you’ll find all our friendly staff. You can rest assured too, as the whole 24 hour space is security monitored.

So what’s next? Well there are some finishing touches to be applied, and some more changes to come, including a Cafe on the Ground Floor – but other than that, it’s all yours. So come check it out.