- iPhone programming : the Big Nerd Ranch guide – Leads beginners throu
gh the essential facets of iPhone application development. Check Availability
- Libraries for users – Services in academic libraries. Check Availability
- Movies and mass culture – Looks at the ways in which American identity shapes and is shaped by motion pictures. Check Availability
- Chocolate wars : from Cadbury to Kraft – 200 years of sweet success and bitter rivalry. Check Availability
- The effective teacher’s guide – 50 ways to engage students and promote interactive learning. Check Availability
- Words fail me – A journey through Australia’s lost language. Check Availability
- Lifestyle medicine – Managing diseases of lifestyle in the 21st century. Check Availability
- Clinical skills for pharmacists – A patient-focused approach. Check Availability
- Medicinal plants in Australia – Designed to enhance our appreciation of the medicinal history of Australia’s flora, its unique contributions to everyday life, and its extraordinary future potential. Check Availability
- Designing and managing a research project – A business student’s guide. Check Availability
- World on film : an introduction – Provides a comprehensive introduction to international film. Check Availability
The complete list of new titles can be accessed here