The Library has acquired two significant eBook collections for use by CSU staff and students: ebrary and CAB eBooks.
ebrary is an eBook collection that includes more than 54,000 multidisciplinary titles, covering most of CSU’s teaching and research areas. The majority of titles are from 2004 and later. The collection provides unlimited simultaneous access. Research capabilities include: highlighting and annotating; automatic citations; copying and printing; and the creation of personal bookshelves.
*Note: You don’t need to download any special software to access ebrary items. The prominent blue “ebrary Reader” button which appears when you open an eBook, can be ignored. More information on accessing ebrary eBooks can be found in the ebrary Help page.
CAB eBooks is a collection of more than 330 eBooks published by CAB International (CABI) since 2005 covering: agriculture; animal & veterinary sciences; environmental sciences; human health, food, & nutrition; leisure & tourism; and plant sciences. The collection can be browsed under these subject categories, or browsed or searched as a whole.
Books are retrievable as chapters, displayed as PDF files.
eBooks in both collections can be found via ‘Search@CSU Library‘, and from the eBooks Collections page.
Need help using ebrary or CAB eBooks? You can contact the Library by phone, chat, email or in person to get assistance accessing these exciting new resources.
Academic staff or postgraduate students who would like to know more about these collections, should contact one of the faculty liaison librarians.