Whether this is your first session or you’re an old hand, you probably know by now that referencing is kinda a big deal around here. It’s important to acknowledge your sources, and to do that in the proper, academic way.
While APA 6th is the most commonly used referencing method here at CSU, there will be the odd occasion where your lecturer will request a different format. That’s why it’s really important to read your subject outline and assessment tasks thoroughly. Otherwise, you’re just throwing marks away!
CSU has a few really useful resources to help you get your head around referencing for your assessments. Firstly, try checking out our Referencing at CSU page. There’s information about what referencing is, why we reference, and how to reference, as well as links to the Academic Referencing Tool (ART) and to the CSU Guide to APA Referencing.
If you’re still having trouble, your next step might be to contact your ALLaNs. The ALLaNs (Academic Literacy, Learning, and Numeracy support) offer a variety of different services and can assist you through one-on-one appointments, discussion boards, and workshops. In fact, they regularly run workshops solely dedicated to referencing. Check out their Workshops page for details!
For those of you who are a little more experienced with referencing, but want to find a way to make it a little less time consuming, maybe it’s time you considered EndNote? EndNote is a bibliographic software package, which can be used to manage your references and even insert citations in Word documents. The software’s compatible with Macs and PCs, and free to CSU staff and students. Check out your CSU Library’s EndNote Guide for downloading instructions, as well as as tips for setting up, and getting started.
And if you think EndNote is something you’d like to look into, come along to one of our Online Library Workshops! We have EndNote workshops for Mac and PC users, at both an introductory level, and for the more advanced users. Workshops run at the beginning of every session, and there are still spots available for the coming weeks, so get in now!