Wear it Purple Day – get involved!

The 25th of August is Wear it Purple day, a day all about creating supportive, safe and accepting environments for rainbow young people. It is also a great day for all Australians to think about how we can help rainbow young people not be disadvantaged by their environment, and what we can do to foster their well being and equality with their peers.

Diversity is a whole greater than the sum of its parts, and as our world and the people within it evolve, we as a community become more unique and diverse. As individuals, we present ourselves in many ways, but recognising a common humanity among everyone is the first step in celebrating the differences that exist, and the value those differences bring to our lives.

If you’d like to get involved, why not wear purple on the 25th to show your support, and help to build a harmonious world! If you’d like more information, there will be Wear it Purple events in the learning commons of all CSU campuses, where you’ll find free postcards, stickers, wristbands, badges and other goodies!

Here are some cool resources the CSU Library has on the shelves:

Or why not watch these great eVideos from the Library’s collection:

CSU proudly supports sexuality, sex and gender diverse people in many ways, including the Ally program, which builds a culture of affirmation and inclusion by raising awareness of the experiences of staff and students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, Queer or Questioning.

If you’re interested in becoming a CSU Ally, why not register here, and if you feel like you need support or advocacy in a comfortable and confidential environment, then contact a trained volunteer from the CSU Ally Network today.