Exams are just around the corner, and there are many things you can do to ensure you perform better in exams and achieve great results. Everyone knows that exams can be a hugely stressful time in your life, so now is a great time to begin your exam preparation. Why not try and reduce your stress levels by being as organised, focused and healthy as possible at this time? Once you’ve got the initial exam details such as date, time and place covered – check out the following tips and tricks the Library has put together to help you plan the lead up to your exams, and be more than ready on the day!
Take time to plan

- Prepare a study plan and goals for each day/week. Timetable when your exams are and when you can fit in study time for each exam.
- Talk to your employers early to let them know you need to limit your shifts/hours while studying.
- Create a study space that is large enough, comfortable, quiet, well lit, organised, and has no distractions nearby. Find a quite place to study in your Library and Learning Commons.
- Make sure you have everything you need for each study session.
- Use flow charts and diagrams. Put your information into a format that allows you to visualize information and create a visual memory.
- Take regular study breaks. New knowledge doesn’t get absorbed after 90 minutes of continuous study. Most websites recommend taking a short break every 45-50 minutes to ensure you stay focused and can concentrate on study material.
- Practice with past exam papers. Ask your lecturer is they have copies of old exams you can use as a study aid or check out the Past Exam Search page.
- Download any eReserve readings you may need for your exams. Search using your subject code in Primo Search, and remember to change Search All to eReserve & Reserve by using the drop-down menu.
Look after yourself

- Exercise for 20 minutes before an exam. Research shows it can boost your memory and brain power leading to improved performance.
- Schedule activities you enjoy that reduce your stress levels into your study plan, such as sport, hanging with friends, internet etc.
- Don’t get hungry when studying, and reward your study with
a treat to keep motivated! The question is what do you use – gummy bears, chocolate, chips. In saying this, it is also important to remember that nutritious foods will keep your brain and body energy levels going all day – so snack wisely! - Remember rest and relaxation, especially before bed, to slow your brain activity down.
- Just say “No” to parties during the weeks close to exams, think of the pay-off!

Did you know your ALLaN team can help you prepare for each of your upcoming exams? Appointments can be made via Skype, email, or over the phone? In these one-on-one appointments, ALLaN advisers can help you plan a study schedule, assist you with revision techniques, discuss what to expect on exam day and teach you strategies to stay calm and focused. You can book weekday or weekend appointments, whichever suits your schedule most. The ALLaN team also run online workshops to help you learn the best ways to tackle your upcoming exams. The next workshop is on:
- Sitting exams – strategies and tips – 8th Feb 11am-12pm
We have saved the best tip to last, remember to:

Best of luck from all the Library Team!