As the end of session approaches, and last assessment tasks are being worked on, the Library would like to remind you of the resources and services we offer to help you get through your assignments successfully.
Finding resources and research to use in assessments is often the first step students take when starting their assignment. Through the Library website you have access to subject specific journal databases, eBooks, videos, multimedia & news databases and Charles Sturt University’s research output (CRO). Within these resources you can find the most up-to-date research, filter your searches to make your results more relevant, and choose the most scholarly resources to support your arguments.
Another great tool created by Charles Sturt Librarians are our Library Resource Guides. These guides are designed to give you all the resources you might need for your subjects in the one handy place. They contain encyclopaedias, eBooks, Journal databases, articles, professional organisations, web and media resources all relevant to your field of study. The Library also produces Research Skills Guides for many of your subjects, which talk you through choosing keywords, searching for resources and evaluating sources to successfully answer your assignment questions.
When you get to referencing your assignment, the Library has several tools you can use to help you produce an accurate reference list, and maximise your final mark! Referencing is the acknowledgement of information sources in your work, and is the way you give credit to the original owner of an idea, piece of writing or creative work. Check out the Library’s Referencing page, and try using our Academic referencing tool, or the Charles Sturt Guide to APA referencing to successfully follow academic writing conventions.
If you’re having trouble using the Library databases, never fear! We’ve created a bunch of short training tutorials and videos to teach you about Library services, the research process, Primo Search and our major databases. For more comprehensive training on these topics you can attend an Online Library Workshop. These free online classes will be running again from October to help you get ready for the new session, so why not register now? Remember if you have any trouble accessing these resources or services, please contact us at the Library for help!