How to survive your exams!

Our message to you this exam season!

Session 3 exams start next week, but don’t worry! We’ve rounded up some tips to help you cruise through your exams with minimal stress.

1. Make a plan

There are dozens of ways to do this – whether you’d rather write yourself a loose to-do list or a rigid timetable, there are templates and advice all over the web on making study plans that work for you. By blocking out time for study and sticking to your plan, you’ll be surprised by how much you get done!

2. Find a place

One of the challenging aspects of Online study can be not having access to the same study spaces as your On-campus cohorts. Try to make the best possible use of the space you have by setting up a dedicated study area at home, work or even your local public library. If you live near a Charles Sturt Campus, all of our Library Learning Commons and study areas are quiet, secure and accessible 24/7 with your Student Card.

3. Break it down

Feeling overwhelmed by everything you need to know? Break that big list down into bite-size chunks and prioritise your weakest topics. Getting the hard stuff out of the way first means you can juggle the more familiar concepts with ease.

4. Take a breath

Cut yourself some slack and take a few minutes away from your study to breathe. Leave your study space and go for a short walk, make a cup of tea, catch up with a friend – a change of scenery and some fresh air will help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle those notes!

5. Ask the Library!

Remember, the Library is here to help you succeed in your studies, and exams a re big part of that! Contact us for research help, to re-borrow that textbook, and much, much more.

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