Did you know our Librarians offer training sessions for Researchers and Higher Degree Research students each month? The focus for April is on taking you from the Design & Discover phase into the Gather & Analyse phase of the research cycle

The session on Exploring Research Methods using the Sage Research Methods Online database will help you start to explore the different qualitative and quantitative options for your research. It will also allow you to explore full text books on research methods, as well as datasets.

Using EndNote for your publications will give you a look at some of the more advanced functions that you can use. This session is most valuable for those that have a good working knowledge of EndNote. Come along to our Using EndNote for theses and other publications for some great tips and tricks!
See below for more sessions on offer this month – and bookmark our Induction, consultation & training page to see new sessions being added throughout the year.
- 2nd April 2020 – Exploring Research Methods using sage Research Methods online. Are you starting your research, or do you want to know more about different research methods, then this is the session for you. This session is also for you if you are a supervisor and would like to share videos or case studies with your students about different research methods. [Gather & Analyse]
- 8th April 2020 –Using EndNote for theses and other publications. This session will look at advanced EndNote features, which will be helpful when writing your thesis or for other professional writing. [Design and Discover]