To enhance your Drama Studies you can now access nearly 1,700 plays, plus production stills from the Victoria and Albert Museum and the American Shakespeare Center. This is supported by non-fiction books on theatre, including wide-ranging and highly contemporary new drama with a focus on women’s drama, international drama and drama by writers from culturally diverse backgrounds.
You have access to:
- Collections of play texts and critical scholarly works.
- Play texts with notes or comments.
- Audios of plays.
- Shakespeare and Early Modern Videos.
- Critical Studies and Performance Practice.
- Documentaries.
Other materials include: Theatre Craft, Context and Criticisms, Case Studies, overviews of plays, monologue search tool, the Classic Spring Oscar Wilde Collection, The Hollow Crown.
To start your investigation and learning using this extensive online tool use this link. DramaOnline! Then step into the spotlights.