Did you know this week is dedicated to the importance of libraries and their role within society? It’s National Library and Information Week, and 2019’s theme is ‘Truth, Integrity and Knowledge’. We’ve taken the opportunity to showcase the services and resources the library offers to help people achieve their best.
To promote the fun and importance of reading and literacy, this Wednesday 22nd CSU library is taking part in National Simultaneous Storytime by reading Australian author Matt Cosgrove’s ‘Alpacas with Maraccas’. Join us at the Bathurst, Albury-Wadaonga or Dubbo campus libraries at 11 am to take part – BYO alpaca! But whether you can come to Storytime or not, our services and resources are available to you throughout the academic year.
Services we provide:
- you can contact us through virtual chat, phone and online form inquiry
- face to face consultations about finding and using library resources – see each library’s opening hours for when you can come in
- you can request intercampus loans, interlibrary loans, and digitisations
- Online Library Workshops will be running in July – register now for a free interactive tutorial with a librarian on a subject such as using EndNote or finding journal articles
- higher degree research support including one-on-one support and training from faculty liaison librarians
- Indigenous Liaison librarians can help you find resources for your studies
- Disability Liaison librarians can help you access resources if you have a physical or sensory impairment, learning disability, mental health condition or medical condition.
Some of our resources:
- physical and online resources including journal databases and eBooks
- tutorial videos on using the library and researching
- general and subject specific library resource guides
- You can access Lynda.com through the Library for learning new skills
Not all the Library’s services are limited to students and staff. Community members, students from other educational institutions and alumni are all welcome to join and borrow from the library.
Whether you’re a student, staff member or not affiliated with the university at all, the library has something for you. Check out the library website or come in today to see how we can help you.