Library staff would like to advise that there will be a disruption to the ScienceDirect…
Rebecca MacKinnon from Stanford University asks if we can assume that Chinese authoritarianism will crumble…
BOOKS: House Rules – Jodi Picoult Not in the Flesh – Ruth Rendell The Dangerous…
CSU Library is currently trialling SAGE Research Methods Online (SRMO); an online research tool designed…
Will the practice of celebrating halloween take off in Australia? This week a group of…
A collective act : leading a small school – Includes practical and, at times, challenging…
This report from the NSW Audit Office (Peter Achterstraat) concludes that the New South Wales…
Extreme bushfires in NSW, the ACT and Victoria in the last couple of decades have…
The Murray Darling Basin Authority has released its much anticipated plan and, as expected, the…
Beginning iPhone games development – With this book, you’re going to roll up your sleeves…