Got a new eReader for Christmas?

Whether or not you were lucky enough to get a new eReader for Christmas, eBooks are a convenient and flexible resource available to everyone. CSU Library subscribes to a wide range of eBook titles in all subject areas. You can access these at any time via the Library website on your eReader, computer or mobile device.It’s worth checking out two of our biggest multidisciplinary collections, EBL and ebrary. ebl
EBL provides an extensive range of eBooks with thousands of EBL titles purchased for permanent use. You can also access a constantly growing number of titles not yet purchased by CSU Library. EBL books can be read online or downloaded for offline use by installing Adobe Digital Editions software on compatible devices.
ebrary is an eBook collection with more than 70,000 titles, covering most of CSU’s teaching and research areas. No special software is required to access ebrary items.
eBook titles can be found by:

  • Doing a keyword search in Search@CSU Library and selecting eBooks under the Refine My Results options on the left of the screen.
  • Searching on the eBook collection’s website. Links to the websites are available via the eBook Collections page.

A short video tutorial on finding an eBook can be found in the How to Use Your Library section of the website.Remember that eBooks have varying software and system requirements. This information can be found via the Help link for the particular eBook collection website involved.If you would like some help finding and using our great range of eBooks, please contact the Library.