Renewing items on loan in Primo Search

You can renew your loans in Primo Search

1. Visit Primo Search.

2. Click My Library Record at the top of the page.

3. Enter your CSU username and password.

4. Click Loans from the list of Activities.

5. You will see a list of all your current loans. Click the Renew link next to the loan you want to renew, or click Renew All at the top of the page to renew all your current loans.


You will not be able to renew loans if:
• items are more than two weeks overdue
• you have outstanding Library fines or charges of $100.00
• another student has placed a request on that item

7 thoughts

  1. I'm having the same problem as 'Anonymous'. Do I need to subscribe to FeedBurner first? Margie

  2. Sorry, primo search is slow and untidy in its navigation design. the old catalogue page had everything in one neat little block. Change for change sake is disastrous.If it aint broke, don't try and fix it!

  3. Hi Darryl,

    Thanks for your feedback – perhaps you'd like to submit some more specific details to our Primo Search team:

    The decision to move to Primo Search was based on a lot of feedback from users who found the old catalogue quite difficult to use, so it's definitely not something that was decided lightly.

    If you'd like some assistance navigating Primo Search, please don't hesitate to contact us:

    Kind regards,

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