Safer Internet Day (SID) is an annual, worldwide event held to help encourage a better internet, with this year’s theme ‘Together for a better internet’ encouraging individuals to create a better internet by developing four, critical skills:
- Respect – I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated.
- Responsibility – I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong.
- Reasoning – I question what is real.
- Resilience – I get back up from tough situations.
The aim of SID is to promote the safe and positive use of digital
technology, especially among children and young people. Celebrated in 130 countries, SID is coordinated by the joint Insafe and INHOPE network, with the support of the European Commission, and national Safer Internet Centres across Europe. The campaign extends beyond its European roots with the active involvement of global Safer Internet Day Supporters who all work to raise awareness of safer and better internet issues on the day.
If you would like to learn more about being safer on the internet, the Library has a few great resources that you can take advantage of:
- Your Digital Life – a set of three self paced learning modules that explore the concepts of digital citizenship and digital communication.
- Mobile Devices for Study & Research – a LibGuide with tips on successfully using mobile devices for study.
- Lynda.com – These self paced tutorials can assist students to build their digital literacy capabilities in a range of areas such as Digital Citizenship, Proficiency with Technology and Effectiveness in communicating online.
As always, if you have any questions regarding these Library resources, please contact us for assistance, and remember to stay safe online!