becomes LinkedIn Learning today. If you had a account, you’ll still be able to access the same informative courses from this new platform.

To update your current account, check your inbox for an email from LinkedIn Learning. If you missed it, check your junk folder. When you click the Activate My Account link, you will be asked if you want to connect your LinkedIn account, doing this will require using your LinkedIn email and password. However, you do not have to sync your LinkedIn account to use LinkedIn Learning.
By linking your accounts, you’ll have the opportunity to showcase your professional development to your network. You’ll also be able to recommend courses to others and see what courses are trending.
If you’ve never used this resource before, consider joining LinkedIn Learning today and see how it can help you up-skill. The platform offers business, technology and creative courses, from Photoshop basics and Excel crash courses to project management and digital marketing classes, which are free to access as a Charles Sturt University student or staff member.
For further information about this change, check out the LinkedIn Learning FAQs or contact us.