We’re into the thick of Session 1 now, with assessments just around the corner. Whether you’re a few sessions into your degree or brand new to uni life, managing your references at assessment time can be a major hurdle if you don’t have the right tools. Luckily, the Library has just the thing to help – we’re your one-stop shop for learning to use EndNote, Charles Sturt University’s reference management software of choice!
What is EndNote?
EndNote is a reference management tool designed to help you store and manage your references and associated PDF files. It integrates with Microsoft Word to make it quick and easy to add and edit in-text citations, and to generate a reference list for the entire document. It’s useful during both the research and writing stages of your assessment as it keeps everything you’ve found in one place!
How do I download EndNote?
For compatibility information and to download the most recent version of EndNote, head over to our EndNote Library Resource Guide. You’ll also find solutions to common problems, instructions and videos answering frequently-asked questions.
Using EndNote
Want to get a real handle on using EndNote? Come along to our upcoming EndNote Online Library Workshop for a thorough crash-course in EndNote basics like getting yourself set up, importing, creating and editing references and citations, and get the most out of EndNote for your studies. Our next EndNote OLW is running at 1:00PM AEDT on Thursday 26th March. If you can’t make it on the day, you can still register here to receive a link to the recorded session.
EndNote help
Where to find EndNote help will depend on the type of question you have. If you’re a postgrad student or researcher, your best bet will be to get in touch with the Library team assisting your Faculty. For more info on Faculty Teams, check out the Faculty Teams page on the Library website or read over this blog post from January.
If you’re just starting out with EndNote or want to try a DIY solution before getting in touch with the Library, the EndNote Library Resource Guide is a comprehensive resource for some of the more common problems you may encounter.
We also have a playlist over on our YouTube channel dedicated to helping you get started with EndNote. Start watching below!
Contact the Library
Of course, you can always reach out to us here at the Library with any questions you have about whether EndNote is right for you and how to get started. We look forward to hearing from you!