Photo by Maksym Kaharlytskyi on Unsplash
Did you know that referencing is one of the most important factors supporting academic integrity? It helps you clearly show the impact of your learning and research by acknowledging the original owner or author of the materials you’re basing your own work on. It also lets your markers reliably track the information back to its source, ensuring you don’t get marked down for accidentally plagiarising another person’s work. Now that Session 2 is underway, it’s the ideal time to brush up on your referencing knowledge and skills.
Throughout your studies, you’ll need to become familiar with APA (7th ed.), the referencing style used at Charles Sturt. Here at the Library, we can provided limited APA (7th ed.) referencing assistance and EndNote support, but the Academic Skills Team are the best people to contact for thorough and dedicated referencing expertise. They run regular referencing workshops that you can book through the Student Portal Workshops and Events page – tick “Referencing” under “About” to filter out everything else.
For examples and guidance on how to apply APA (7th ed.) in your own work, check out the Academic Referencing Tool and the APA 7th Referencing Summary, both available through the Referencing page in the Student Portal. You might see some resources covering APA (6th ed.), as APA (7th ed.) was only rolled out earlier this year. A handful of subjects may still be using APA (6th ed.), so if you’re unsure, consult your lecturer or check your subject outline for more details.
For more referencing help, make an appointment with the Academic Skills Team or post in their forum on Interact2 – it’s under “Study Success” at the top right of your dashboard.