AccessMedicine, from McGraw-Hill, is a collection of interactive resources related to study and clinical practice in science and medicine including over 100 science and medicine texts such as:
- Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A comprehensive study guide 9th edition
- Basic and Clinical Pharmacology 14th edition
- Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry 31st edition
- Pulmonary Physiology 9th edition
AccessMedicine also includes point of care clinical decision-making tools:
- Quick Medical Diagnostics & Treatment
- Differential Diagnosis
- Guides to Diagnostic Tests
- 2 Minute Medicine
Plus 1000+ multi-media resources.
Get the most out of AcccessMedicine by creating a MyAccess personal profile. A MyAccess profile will allow you to:
- use the AccessMedicine App
- access Review Questions and create and save practice texts using Self-Assessment
- use Cases to evaluate patient scenarios
- save chapters, videos, images and tables to your Favourites
To start using AccessMedicine click here.